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Another great cart, inexpensive to buy, and easy to work on and customize. Built from 1994.5 to present. Models include the Fleet, Freedom, Shuttle 2+2. There are 4 types of drive systems used in the TXT platform. Series drive system (built from 1994.5 to present) you can recognize this drive system type by a linkage rod connecting the open mechanical Forward/Reverse switch to the shift handle. Three Sepex drive systems DCS, PDS, TXT48. All three include a Run/Tow switch located under the seat. Most Sepex DCS drive system carts (Built from 1995 - 2000) have silver disc Forward/Reverse Switch under the seat. The shift lever is attached to the Forward/Reverse Switch. PDS drive system carts (Built from 2001-2010) have a Forward/Reverse Rocker switch mounted on the Dashboard. TXT48 (Built from 2019 and up) have a separate cover for the solenoid.
DCS Drive System Troubleshooting Guide
PDS 1206mx Controller Troubleshooting
Great cart but can be frustrating when issues arise. When you turn the ignition key to ON the cart controller performs 6 circuit tests. If the controller detects a problem with any of the circuits the cart will not move. RXV E Service Manual